Where does Simple Poll work?

Everywhere in Slack. No matter whether it's a public channel, a private channel, a direct message or anywhere else. Simple Poll should just work. Let us know if it doesn't

How do I create a poll?

There are multiple ways to create a poll. The most common way is by using the following syntax:

/poll "Poll question?" "Option 1" "Option 2" "Option 3"

/poll "Poll question?" "Option 1" "Option 2" "Option 3"

How much does Simple Poll cost?

We offer a generous "Hobby" plan which is available free of charge and a great way to get started with creating both polls and surveys in Slack. For advanced features and fewer restrictions you can upgrade to one of our paid plans, shown below:

You can upgrade to a paid plan on the Simple Poll dashboard.

Something is broken with my Simple Poll installation. How can I fix it?

Most installation problems can be resolved by installing Simple Poll again on your Slack workspace. You can do that by following this link. If installing Simple Poll again doesn't fix the problem, get in touch with us via support@simplepoll.freshdesk.com

Who can create polls once Simple Poll is installed on my workspace?

Once installed all team members can both create and vote on polls.

How do I create an anonymous poll?

You can create an anonymous poll like this:

/poll "What's your favorite sport?" "Football" "Tennis" anonymous

In this poll, the identity of all voters will be hidden.

Can I use my own emoji?

Of course, you can! Just put them after the relevant poll option:

/poll "What's your favorite sport?" "Football" :soccer: "Tennis" :tennis:

Can I use my own emoji for anonymous polls?

Yes you can! Anonymous poll custom vote emoji's can be created like this:

/poll "What's your favorite sport?" "Football" "Tennis" anonymous :sports_medal:

Other ways to create polls

The most common way to create polls is described above, but there are other ways to create polls, which you may find useful:
/poll Which design do you like best? first second third

/poll Which design do you like best? first second third

/poll Which design do you like best? first second third

/poll When Today Tomorrow

/poll When Today Tomorrow

How do I limit the number of votes each user can cast in a poll?

Note that this feature is only available on paid Simple Poll plans.

To create a poll in which each user can only vote once, use the following syntax:

/poll "What's your favorite sport (select only one)?" "Football" "Tennis" "Basketball" limit 1

If you want to limit votes to two per user, you can use the following:

/poll "What are your favorite sports? (select two)" "Football" "Tennis" "Basketball" limit 2

Notice the "limit" followed by a number at the end of the slash command.

If you want to limit votes and want to keep the responses anonymous, you can combine those two flags. Example:

/poll "What's your favorite sport (select only one)?" "Football" "Tennis" "Basketball" limit 1 anonymous

How do I create a poll with more than 10 options?

Note that this feature is only available on paid Simple Poll plans.

After you've upgraded to a paid plan, you can create a poll with more than 10 options just like you would create any other poll. Example poll with 12 options:

/poll "What's your favorite animal?" "Dog" "Cat" "Lion" "Tiger" "Chicken" "Rabbit" "Horse" "Dolphin" "Shark" "Bird" "Frog" "Cow"

How do I delete a poll?

Every poll comes with a red delete button, which will delete the poll when clicked.
Only the author of the poll is able to use this button.

How do I edit a poll?

Editing polls is not currently supported.

However, you can enable or disable whether you'd like to allow others to add further options to your polls. Find out more

How do I remove my vote after I've voted?

To remove your vote, click the same button you clicked to cast your vote initially.

How do I add an option to a poll?

Adding options to a poll after it has been created is not currently supported. We suggest deleting the poll and starting a new one once all the options are decided

Does Simple Poll support scheduled/automatic posting of polls?

Yes! We support posting polls on a set schedule with our recurring polls feature.

On Simple Poll Hobby, you can have 1 active recurring poll at any time across your workspace. On any of our paid plans, there is no limit on the number of simultaneously active recurring polls you can have.

How can I set up a recurring poll?

  1. For any existing poll in Slack, find the 3-dot (“…”) menu, click it, and then select “View info”
  2. A new screen should open up allowing you to set up a recurring poll on a regular schedule
  3. Click “Set up recurring poll” and follow the setup steps

I want to set up a completely new poll and post it on a recurring basis. How can I do that?

To create a completely new recurring poll first create the poll itself using the /poll syntax (outlined above), then select “View info” in the 3-dot (“…”) menu. Following that, click “Set up recurring poll” and choose your desired posting schedule.

How do I stop a recurring poll?

If you delete an instance of a recurring poll it won't stop it from recurring. To stop it recurring, find an instance of this poll posted (or wait till it posts again), click "View Info", then "Edit" in the recurring poll section. From there you can "Pause" (in case you want to enable it again in the future) or "Stop automatic posting".

How can others add options to my poll after I posted it?

You can set up a poll so that other members of your team can extend your poll with their own options. Learn more on our blog

Where can I submit feature requests?

Email us at feedback@simplepoll.rocks

Where can I go for support?

Submit a ticket here or email us at support@simplepoll.freshdesk.com

Paid Plans

Included with any paid plan

  • Restrict the number of votes that each user can cast for a specific poll. So, for example, if you want to allow only one vote per person on a poll, you can create the following poll: /poll "What's your favorite sport? (select only one)" "Football" "Tennis" "Basketball" limit 1
  • Create polls with more than 10 options (up to 45 in a single poll)

Do you offer annual billing?

Yes we offer annual and monthly billing with all of our plans.

How do I upgrade to a paid plan?

You can upgrade in the dashboard: https://simplepoll.rocks/dashboard/my/billing/

Do you offer free trials?

We don't offer trials for our paid plans, but on our free Hobby tier you have a lot of opportunity to explore Simple Poll and test out most features.

We also offer a money-back guarantee! If for any reason, the paid plan you upgraded to does not meet your expectations, contact us within 30 days of the purchase and we'll be more than happy to refund your payment. Get in touch via support@simplepoll.freshdesk.com

Where can I edit my billing settings?

You can edit your billing settings in the dashboard: https://simplepoll.rocks/dashboard/my/billing/

How do I update my billing email?

You can update the billing email in the billing settings: https://simplepoll.rocks/dashboard/my/billing/

How do I update my payment method?

You can update the payment method used for your subscription in the billing settings: https://simplepoll.rocks/dashboard/my/billing/

What currency do you use?

We use US dollars (USD) for all our paid plans.

Have you recently updated your pricing plans?

Yes, we updated our pricing plans in November 2020. Previously we had a single plan called "Small Business" that was available for $49/month. All the benefits of this plan are included with each of our new plans, including the "Manager" plan, which is available for $50/month (or $40/month when billed annually)

Our new plans also include seat-based access to Simple Surveys. Find out more about Surveys below:

Simple Surveys

Simple Surveys is the latest addition to the Simple family, which we introduced to the world in August 2020. Unlike polls, surveys are sent out privately to each respondent and can include multiple questions?

Polls are great for asking questions and quickly receiving feedback from everyone inside a channel on a particular topic like “Which design is your favorite?” or “Which day works best for the weekly team review?”

Surveys, on the other hand, can be more private and more long-form than polls. As a result, they are great for:

  • Running a fully anonymous, multi-question pulse survey across a whole organization or company which might include topics like “I know what is expected of me at work” and “In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work”
  • Gathering feedback on an event or all hands from everyone who attended
  • Collecting rapid, private 360-degree feedback within a team
  • Anything else that surveys can be a useful tool for, now natively within Slack, making it very simple for everyone to respond to your survey?

Simple Surveys is available as part of the Simple Poll Slack app.

How are Surveys different from Polls?

Fully native in Slack. No need for any participant to leave SlackFully native in Slack. No need for any participant to leave Slack
Polls are posted in Slack channels where they are visible to all channel members. Anyone can participateSurveys are delivered privately via direct message to each respondent. The survey creator decides who should receive the survey
A poll has 1 question that everybody votes onA single survey can have up to 45 questions
Results are immediately shown to everyone in the channelAnonymous responses are only shown to the survey creator, who can then decide to distribute the results
Polls can be either anonymous or non-anonymousAll surveys are fully anonymous for now
Users can vote for one or more of the previously set up poll optionsThe survey creator decides the “response type” for each question, which can be:
  • Short answer text
  • Single choice
  • Checkboxes
Great for quickly and collaboratively making decisions and for social use cases that bring teams togetherGreat for pulse surveys, for soliciting feedback and for other use cases that benefit from multiple questions and from respondents not being able to see the results

How can I create a survey?

Simple Surveys can be found within Simple Poll’s home in Slack. To get to Simple Poll Home, click on "Apps" in the sidebar and then on "Simple Poll" as shown below. This will open up App Home.

Getting to Simple Poll Home

From here you’ll see a “Create a survey” button, which will guide you through the 3 main steps of creating a survey: Setting up your survey questions, selecting your audience, and sending your survey.

Simple Poll Home Quick Actions

What type of questions can I send in a survey?

You can include questions on any topic within surveys and currently there are 3 types of responses that you can ask for from users: Short answer text, single choice, and checkboxes

Short answer text

Short answer text question example

With short answer questions, respondents can write their own free-form response.

Single choice

Single choice question example

With single choice questions, respondents can pick one of the choices you provide.


Checkboxes question example

With checkbox questions, respondents can select multiple of the provided options.

Each question can be marked as either required or optional for respondents.

How many people can respond to my surveys?

The available number of respondents and questions depends on your plan:

PlanRespondents per surveyQuestions per survey
Free Hobby plan515
Manager plan1510
Director plan10020
Analyst plan50045

If you’re looking to send surveys with more than 500 respondents, get in touch with us via sales@simplepoll.rocks

How many surveys can I create?

On the free Hobby plan, there’s a limit of 10 surveys per month. On any of our paid plans you can send as many surveys as you’d like.

Who can see the survey responses?

Only the original survey creator is able to see the anonymous survey responses. As the survey creator you can, of course, opt to share the results separately with everyone who completed the survey, but by default, survey respondents can not view the results of the survey.

Where can I view my surveys?

You can view all of your surveys, both draft surveys and sent surveys, via the Surveys page in Simple Poll Home. Within Simple Poll Home, navigate to the “Surveys” page by selecting it in the drop-down menu:

Simple Poll Home Navigation dropdown

You will then see a list of your surveys.

Click on “View Survey” to view a summary of the responses for any sent Survey.

Individual survey in list

How do I export the results of a survey?

To export the results of a survey, navigate to the survey in Simple Poll Home (described above) and then click on “Export CSV” at the bottom of the page.

Surveys export button

How do I know who submitted a particular survey?

For the time being, all surveys are fully anonymous, so you won’t be able to see which specific user submitted each response.

How can I view or modify the Surveys plan I’m on?

All billing settings for Surveys are managed within the Simple Poll Home. To navigate to this page, click on the Simple Poll app in your apps list and select Billing in the drop-down menu (as shown below). For any assistance please email support@simplepoll.freshdesk.com

Simple Poll Home Billing page

On the billing page you will see a summary of the plans we have available. You can upgrade your plan by hitting the green “Upgrade plan” button. If you already have an active plan, it will also be shown here.

Who can use Surveys within my Slack workspace?

By default, if you have the Simple Poll app installed, every user in your workspace will be on the free Hobby plan, which means they can send surveys to up to 5 respondents.

Any user wishing to send surveys to more than 5 respondents (or who requires functionality only available on a paid plan) will need to individually upgrade to that specific plan. More details on the different available plans is available above.

If you’d like to purchase Surveys licenses for several different users, please get in touch with us via sales@simplepoll.rocks